Handling Screen Orientation Changes in Jetpack Compose

Kaleem Patel
3 min readMar 16, 2024


Screen orientation handling is a crucial aspect of mobile app development, impacting user experience and usability. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of screen orientation handling and how Jetpack Compose simplifies the process, making it easier for developers to create responsive UIs.

Importance of Screen Orientation Handling

1. Enhancing User Experience

  • Properly handling screen orientation ensures that your app’s UI remains visually appealing and functional regardless of how users hold their devices.
  • Optimizing layouts for both portrait and landscape orientations enhances usability, making it easier for users to interact with your app.

2. Consistency Across Devices

  • With a growing variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and foldables, ensuring consistent UI across different screen sizes and orientations is essential for maintaining brand identity and user satisfaction.

3. Accessibility and Inclusivity

  • Proper screen orientation handling contributes to accessibility by accommodating users with different needs and preferences, such as those who rely on assistive technologies or prefer specific device orientations for comfort.

Ease of Handling in Jetpack Compose

1. Declarative UI Approach

  • Jetpack Compose’s declarative UI paradigm simplifies screen orientation handling by allowing developers to define UI components and layouts independently of device configuration.
  • Developers can specify different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations using composable functions, promoting code reuse and maintainability.

2. Dynamic Adaptation

  • Compose’s reactive nature enables dynamic adaptation to screen orientation changes without the need for manual intervention.
  • Composable functions are recomposed automatically when the device orientation changes, ensuring that the UI updates seamlessly to reflect the new orientation.

3. Simplified State Management

  • Jetpack Compose’s state management features, such as mutableStateOf and remember, streamline the handling of UI state across orientation changes.
  • Developers can preserve UI state using ViewModels, savedInstanceState, or retaining Composable functions, depending on the complexity of the application requirements.

Here is simple and step-by-step guide for handling orientation in Jetpack Compose

Step 1: Define Portrait and Landscape Layouts

First, let’s define separate layouts for portrait and landscape orientations. We’ll create composable functions for each layout.

fun PortraitLayout() {
// Define UI elements for portrait layout

fun LandscapeLayout() {
// Define UI elements for landscape layout

Step 2: Handle Orientation Changes

Next, create a composable function to handle orientation changes and switch between portrait and landscape layouts based on the device orientation.

fun HandleOrientationChanges() {
val configuration = LocalConfiguration.current
val isLandscape = configuration.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
if (isLandscape) {
} else {

Step 3: Display the Correct Layout

In your main screen composable function, use the HandleOrientationChanges function to display the appropriate layout.

fun MyScreen() {


Handling screen orientation changes in Jetpack Compose is essential for creating a responsive and user-friendly UI. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your app adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations, providing an optimal experience for your users.



Kaleem Patel

Dynamic & results-oriented Android App Developer. Specialized in Generative AI, Chatbots, Spring Boot, Ktor microservices. Skilled in iOS & React.